Fjaera Rose Gin | 700ML
Fjaera Rose Gin | 700ML
Norway`s Oslo H�ndverksdestilleri has begun to experiment with cask aged gins and here the distillers use Bordeaux wine barrels to mature the spirit for around 6 weeks. It features notes of juniper berries, pine, rosehip, lemon, rosemary and rhubarb root. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! ALL ORDERS PLACED ARE GUARANTEED and WILL NOT be cancelled like with other retailers. Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand and unavailability. Size: 700ML Proof: 86 (43%ABV) Origin: Norway Distillery: Fjaera Norway`s Oslo H�ndverksdestilleri has begun to experiment with cask aged gins and here the distillers use Bordeaux wine barrels to mature the spirit for around 6 weeks. It features notes of juniper berries, pine, rosehip, lemon, rosemary and rhubarb root. Nose: Great elegance and charm on the nose. Palate: A rich, complex, and smooth taste. Finish: Elegant long lasting aftertaste. Fj�ra, the Norwegian name for shoreline, takes its inspiration the long and bright Nordic evenings in the summertime. This is the time of year when Norwegian feels draw towards the archipelagos and fjords. After a long hot day nothing feels better than sitting on a pair and looking at the sun that never really sets but just shine bright pink as it touches the horizon.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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