Goalong Botanical Gin | 700ML
Goalong Botanical Gin | 700ML
A Chinese gin produced from a unique host of local ingredients. The spirit's base is distilled from corn that's ground with powdered starch and water before distillation. It's then infused with over 20 Chinese herbs and spices. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! ALL ORDERS PLACED ARE GUARANTEED and WILL NOT be cancelled like with other retailers. Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand and unavailability. Size: 700ML Proof: 80 (40%ABV) Origin: China Distillery: Goalong A Chinese gin produced from a unique host of local ingredients. The spirit's base is distilled from corn that's ground with powdered starch and water before distillation. It's then infused with over 20 Chinese herbs and spices. Nose: Full-bodied aromas. Delightful and refreshing. Palate: Sweetly herbaceous, with notes of orange peel, liquorice and delicate florals, backed by rootsy botanical spice nestling beneath. Finish: Lingering finish that leaves a lasting impression. The brand "Goalong" was created by our founder, Mr. Alan Gao. He enjoys the pleasure and freedom of whiskey, but doesn't taste the Chinese flavor from it. He believes that true freedom is not only physical liberation, but also the pursuit of the mind and inner freedom.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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