Gordon's | 700ML
Gordon's | 700ML
An absolute classic dry gin, Gordon's is one of the best selling spirits in the world. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! Featured in ROLLING STONE, MEN'S JOURNAL, US WEEKLY NOTICE:�Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand, unavailability or inaccurate inventory counts. We have the ability to source from a large network of licensed retailers to insure in most cases your order is fulfilled. Size: 700ML Proof: 75�(37.5% ABV) Origin: United Kingdom Distillery: Gordon's An absolute classic dry gin, Gordon's is one of the best selling spirits in the world, and was first created in 1769, and the recipe hasn't changed since! This is a triple-distilled gin flavoured with juniper berries, coriander, angelica, and one other botanicals. The actual recipe is only known to a dozen people! Nose: Sweet notes of juniper, a little lemon zest, hints of soft sweetness and fresh herbs. Palate: Very clean, dry juniper delivery, develops with lemon and other citrus notes - zesty. Finish: A simple, medium-length finish.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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