Lawrenny Highlands | 700ML
Lawrenny Highlands | 700ML
Highlands is a refreshing and crisp Gin. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! Featured in ROLLING STONE, MEN'S JOURNAL, US WEEKLY NOTICE:�Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand, unavailability or inaccurate inventory counts. We have the ability to source from a large network of licensed retailers to insure in most cases your order is fulfilled. Size: 700ML Proof: 80�(40% ABV) Origin: Tasmania Distillery: Lawrenny Estate Distilling Highlands is a refreshing and crisp Gin, with notes from the unique blue cypress to the bright fruitiness of the grapefruit, orange and buchu, all while an ever present mint note lingers over the palate. The sweet earthiness of ginger, cubeb pepper and grains of paradise, add a gentle bite of piquancy while chamomile provides weight and sweetness. Nose: Delightful aroma. Palate: It has a light, elegant, and refined taste. Finish: Quite rich and lovely smooth texture.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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