Mayfair London High Tea | 700ML
Mayfair London High Tea | 700ML
This gin is perfect for a special occasion or a relaxed gathering. It can be served neat, over ice, or in a cocktail. Enjoy! Size: 700ML Proof: 88 (44% ABV) Origin: Regno Unito Distillery: Mayfair Brands Mayfair High Tea Gin is a premium gin that has been distilled with a unique blend of botanicals, including chamomile, rose petals, black peppercorns, and juniper. The gin is then infused with an oolong tea concentrate, resulting in a flavourful, aromatic gin with floral and herbal notes. This gin is perfect for a special occasion or a relaxed gathering. It can be served neat, over ice, or in a cocktail. Enjoy! Nose: Aroma is very pleasant. Palate: This is extremely rich and very balanced in flavour. Finish: Perfect, long lasting finish.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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