Tarquin's Pressed Limited Edition Apple Gin | 700ML
Tarquin's Pressed Limited Edition Apple Gin | 700ML
Crisp, golden, and delicious! This limited edition Cornish gin from Tarquin's takes its inspiration from the region's orchards and is infused with the flavour of local tart, juicy apples. This ought to shine splashed in elderflower tonic and will add superb fruit-forward character to spiced, seasonal cocktails. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! ALL ORDERS PLACED ARE GUARANTEED and WILL NOT be cancelled like with other retailers. Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand and unavailability. Size: 700ML Proof: 76 (38%ABV) Origin: England Distillery: Tarquin's Crisp, golden, and delicious! This limited edition Cornish gin from Tarquin's takes its inspiration from the region's orchards and is infused with the flavour of local tart, juicy apples. This ought to shine splashed in elderflower tonic and will add superb fruit-forward character to spiced, seasonal cocktails. Nose: Satisfying and charming aromas. Palate: Vibrant notes of sweet. Finish: Impressive length on the finish, very unique and complex. The Tarquin�s range is the brainchild of Tarquin Leadbetter, founder of Southwestern Distillery in north Cornwall back in 2012. The shiny, metallic soul of the distillery is Tamara, the hand-baten, flame-fired copper pot still named after the goddess of Tamar. From this still comes Tarquin�s Handcrafted Cornish Gin, which features botanicals along the lines of orris root from Morocco, green cardamom seeds from Guatemala, cinnamon from Madagascar and Devon violets plucked from Tarquin�s garden.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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