Western Star Gin | 700ML
Western Star Gin | 700ML
This juniper-forward gin is set apart by its savoury botanical, almost woody notes. Well-judged use of spicy botanicals. Order from the Largest & Most Trusted Premium Spirits Marketplace! ALL ORDERS PLACED ARE GUARANTEED and WILL NOT be cancelled like with other retailers. Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand and unavailability. Size: 700ML Proof: 80 (40%ABV) Origin: United Kingdom Distillery: Mainline Spirit Co Fans of railways and gin, unite! Western Star Gin is distilled alongside the Great Western Railway, utilising hedgerow botanicals harvested between London and Penzance such as raspberry and blackberry leaf, elderberry, and meadowsweet. It's a bright, fruity, and zesty gin that'll go wonderfully with elderflower tonic. Nose: Aromas of juniper and leafy, gently fruity aromas. Palate: On the palate, piney juniper, subtle fruitiness, citrus and florals, and berry zing. Finish: A lingering finish of leafy pepperiness and herbal notes. Mainline Spirit Co was launched in 2022 by husband and wife, Rich and Terri Hudson. The distillery is located in Taunton, Somerset, in a converted poultry shed at Odbridge Farm, located next to the mainline railway between London and Penzance. With the branding and naming of their spirits being inspired by railways and steam engines, many of the botanicals used are handpicked in the countryside and hedgerows alongside the railway.
Sizes Available:
- 750ml
- 1.75l
- 375ml
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